I'm not excited though. It's because I don't think it's going to happen. I'll believe it when I get on the plane.
I always have these dreams where I go fun places, or I have the dream where I'm about to go somewhere and then I don't in the dream, or I miss the bus there or whatever.
When it comes to music, I am so shallow. I swear, as long as it sounds good, I don't even care what the lyrics say. Even if you have vocal talent, if the music in the background sucks, I won't listen to the song. That's why I can barely stand ballads. Ugh, some have good melodies, but most are just singing over mess.
But I really don't. I mean, I'll have good ideas to write about, but I definitely don't ever feel like writing them. Kinda sucks though; can't spread my wonderful brain-thinkings to the world.